Creation of FLQ

The Front de Libération de Québec(FLQ) is an informal group of liberationists that used propaganda and terrorism to promote an independent, separate, and socialist Quebec.  The FLQ was founded in March of 1963, under the inspiration of the decolonization of Algeria.  One of the leaders, Pierre Vallières, who wrote a book called, Nègres Blancs d'Amérique, was thought to be the philosopher.
 Pierre Vallières - Philosopher of the FLQ
Given the name of the book, the translation to English is White Negros of America, and given, that, during this time, Negroes were given less rights, Pierre Vallières thought that there was a white-skinned type of people living in North America that were given less rights, and he believed that it was the Québecois.  Many people rallied behind him, and thus was the birth of the most popular version of the FLQ.

Seperate Attacks or Waves of FLQ

FLQ member inspecting one of the many mailbox explosives
There were 5 waves during the time of the FLQ's existence, each wave, had a slightly different attack technique, and each wave consisted of different people, but their idea was very clear and shared between the five.  A seperate Québec.  The First wave consisted of a bombing along a railway where President Diefenbaker was intended to travel.  They were quickly sent to jail.  The second wave, was revolved around stealing money($100,000) to be exact from the government.  The third wave was focused around gun training, so they tried a gun robbery, but it failed with the FLQ winding up killing one of the eomplyees, and all of these liberationists were sentenced to life in prison.  The fourth wave, when Piere Vallières, the philosopher, joined it became much more intense with the increasing use of explosives, bombs in mailbox's, and the robbery of an NDP office.  Throughout 1968, the FLQ had exploded 52 bombs.  Now you can see the full force effects of how intense the FLQ was.  They felt they needed to get their point across and when no one was listening, they just turned up the heat, or should I say, that amount of bombs. FLQ ceased activity in 1971.  The fifth and final wave was none other than the October Crisis which can be found at this site - http://theoctobercrisis.blogspot.ca/.

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